Marv Langston has been serving the Department of Defense and U.S. Navy community, for the majority of his 50 year career, where he has focused primarily on Navy Command and Control. Today, as an independent consultant, he focuses on new technology adoption, enterprise architecture & engineering, organizational strategy, and acquisition leadership.
During his last public service SES positions, Marv served as: Department of Defense Deputy Chief Information Officer; Deputy Assistant Secretary of Navy for C4I; first Navy Chief Information Officer; and, as Director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Information Systems Office.
During his 22 year Navy military career, Marv served as an enlisted nuclear power electronics technician and retired as a Commander, Engineering Duty Officer, where he served as an AEGIS Combat System Assistant Program Manager, a Special Assistant to RADM Wayne Meyer helping to establish Battle Force Engineering, and as a plank owner of the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command.
Following his public service career, Marv was the Chief Operating Officer of a small high-tech start-up company, Chief Technology Officer of a large business practice, and was a Senior Staff Engineer at the Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory, where he helped establish today’s AEGIS Ballistic Missile Defense capability.
During his career, Dr. Langston earned a Masters and Doctorate of Public Administration from the University of Southern California, a Master of Science in Electronic Engineering from the Naval Post Graduate School, and under the Naval Enlisted Science & Engineering Program, a Bachelor of Science in Electronic Engineering from Purdue University.