ADM Archie Clemins Memoriam & New Webinars

Admiral Archie Clemins, a mentor and friend, passed away last March 14, 2020. He was a brilliant operational leader that also left his mark across the U.S. Navy by forcing the installation of modern information technology across the operational forces. During his last active duty position as Commander Pacific Fleet (November 1996 – October 1999), he initiated the IT-21 program to put modern desktop computers, and Microsoft Desktop applications, into all Navy ships. This marked the first time that commercial IT hardware and software were used to support operational Navy missions. His leadership and foresight paved the way for the following Navy, Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI) program which further outfitted a 360,000 computer/network infrastructure across the entire Navy, beginning in the year 2000.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions ADM Clemins was not laid to rest at Arlington Cemetery until 16 July of this year. His wife and life-partner Marilyn Clemins created this beautiful Memoriam that I recommend to your attention. ADM Clemins was truly one of our Country’s great leaders, visionaries, and a man that spoke when needed but always acted to do the right thing.

New Webinars

Jim and I have recently added three new webinars that you may find interesting. We have also added AI written transcripts to each of the webinars for those that would prefer reading or skimming the webinars, and we also now have added an audio only podcast for each of the webinars to help make it easier to listen while doing other activities.

Please take a look at these webinars and leave us any comments or suggestions you may have for future webinars topics or guests. Thanks, marv

Webinar #7: Data in Motion

Data in Motion with guest Jason Schick

Data expert Jason Schick discusses how data has evolved from static enterprise data to dynamic data-in-motion, and how open source software tools like Kafka are making it possible to access needed data in near real time to enhance enterprise processes.

Webinar #8: Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing with guest Mark Jackson

Quantum computing expert, Mark Jackson Ph.D, joins us to discuss the latest state of quantum computing and how he see it progressing over the next five plus years. We discuss the technology, opportunities, and cybersecurity aspects.

Webinar #9: AI and DoD Technology Adoption

AI and DoD Technology Adoption with guest Bob Beaton

Our Nation’s Military has always relied upon technology adoption to keep it ahead of peer adversary forces. Today Artificial Intelligence and a host of related and supportive technologies are front and center as our Nation works to remain strong in the face of peer competitors, China and Russia. Expert DoD technologist, Bob Beaton, joins Jim and I to discuss the state of play for AI and related technology adoption.

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